Capital Campaign

This community of families has been working so hard to build the Waldorf School of Cape Cod's forever home. As our school grows, we need another classroom for our students next year! We are a Waldorf School nurturing children to be creative, thoughtful, caring members of their communities. They love their school. It is so heartwarming to see children love coming to school.

We plan to build our students a beautiful round house classroom and provide them with a unique learning environment. We will also be upgrading our septic system. Please help us to reach this vital goal!

Click here to make a donation

Thank you for supporting this project and helping us build this beloved school.

Fundraising and Volunteers

Tuition and fees account for roughly 90% of the total operating budget at the Waldorf School of Cape Cod. The remainder is raised through direct contributions and special fundraising activities. 

  • Gifts to Annual Giving: Monies gifted through Annual Giving supplement tuition to support educational programs in the school. Contributions have typically ranged from $50 to $10,000.

  • Fundraising Events: Our November Holiday Faire and Annual Fundraiser in the spring offer many opportunities to contribute time, goods, and services to deepen relationships by working with fellow parents and teachers. Without every family’s commitment the event would not be possible. Other fundraising initiatives are also coordinated by the school.

  • Volunteer and Community Service Opportunities: In addition to fundraising events, parents and teachers support the school by community service and volunteering for many other tasks. Periodically, parents are surveyed to help the school match interests, skills, and availability with the opportunities for meaningful volunteer work. Prior to enrollment, the Enrollment Director and/or the Administrator will have a conversation with you about these community building opportunities.

Your generosity in time and resources make this school possible.


N'Out-of-Pocket Program

Please ask friends and families to participate. Support our Waldorf community fundraising effortlessly without giving money to the school directly out of pocket. Each of these passive initiatives allow us to receive a percentage back from your normal shopping habits. All you need to do is remember to use them so that WSCC benefits.

Stop&Shop A+ School Rewards

Last year we received a check for $321! Register your card at and designate WSCC as beneficiary (you can designate more than one school). Use your Stop & Shop card every time you shop.

Box Tops for Education

WSCC receives 10 cents per box top. Cut them carefully from the box and save them at home (a clothespin magnet and a plastic baggie on the fridge work great!) Remember to bring them in - before they expire! Collections submitted in September and March.

Amazon Smile Rewards

We've received $136 to date this year! Type [][1] to shop on Amazon First time users, choose to support the Waldorf School of Cape Cod (Waldorf Association). Every time you shop on Amazon, go through Smile.Amazon and shop as usual. We only get the benefit if you use Smile.Amazon. If you’re ready to check out and you’ve forgotten to use Smile.Amazon, open a new window on your browser, type [][1] and another Amazon page will open with your items in your cart ready for check out.