Pencils for San Paolo


Class 8 is engaging in a project as part of their involvement in the Cape Cod chapter of the Human Rights Academy. We are trying to collect 300 packs of student quality colored pencils to send to a school in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The school we have selected is in a very poor district of Sao Paolo and has limited resources for a school population of about 300 elementary school students. Art supplies in Brazil are generally much more expensive than they are here, and colored pencils can cost as much as five times the prices in our area. 

We are not looking for expensive artist quality materials, nor are we looking for huge packages. Boxes of 12 to 36 pencils, of inexpensive brands like Crayola, Roseart and comparable brands are perfect for our drive. 

If you would like to purchase and contribute pencils, there is a collection bin in the foyer of the school. Sets can be found at any art and craft stores, or even at the Dollar Stores. We can also accept checks made out to the WSCC with "Sao Paolo pencil project" on the memo line, and we will use the funds to buy pencil sets.

Thank you on behalf of the eighth grade and our friends in Brazil.

Mr. Gable

for the eighth grade