The Kids Swim For Dyslexia Open Water Relay in Galveston Bay, October 2016. Many of these swimmers will make up the team attempting for the 30 mile Galveston Coast.
Chip Blair (Class 5) and his team will swim a total of 30 miles on May 20th in Galveston, Texas. Chip has taken part in relay swims before, a 6-mile relay in Galveston and on Martha's Vineyard, to bring awareness about dyslexia and raise funds for NoticeAbility, a non-profit organization that designs and delivers proprietary curricula to students with dyslexia.
"Cape Cod Chip" has been training hard for this relay - it is the longest and toughest swim he has done to date. He, along with his brother, Warren (Class 8) and cousin, Kyra Brimdyr (Waldorf School of Cape Cod Class of 2015) made wish bracelets to raise money for this important cause. Donations are also accepted through Crowdrise, under the event "Kerry Swims for Dyslexia." Below you will find the press release from organizer Kerry Yonushonis, with links to the NoticeAbility website and Facebook.
Their collective goal is to use this swim as a platform to highlight their grit, resiliency, and drive that comes with learning differences. While many people think of dyslexia as a negative, these students are aware of the many positive and unique neurological advantages, as well as strong coping skills that come with this learning difference.
We congratulate Chip on this outstanding accomplishment, and wish him and his team good weather and good swimming in Galveston this month!